Bruno Maggi Founding Partner and Vice President of APULIA FABER

M&D Annual Event 2024An Unforgettable Journey Through Scents, Sounds, and Cultures

Beauty is also well-being.
The commitment we express in the care of details and in the attention to the places where we operate cannot but be reflected within the group and, in particular, in human relations. For this reason, we have started a path of rewarding welfare for our employees, linked to the achievement of company performance. We are convinced, in fact, that the only way to achieve solid and stable goals, reconciling them with the well-being of people, is to redistribute, within the company, the successes and results, including economic ones, achieved.
The Project, which we have called "M. & D. Group #bellezza - per il Benessere delle Persone", has been designed and is being implemented by NEXUMSTP SpA, through the Equity Partner of the Taranto BU Claudio Cavaliere, and is aimed at identifying KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) towards which to direct our collective efforts in 2024 and to the achievement of which, in 2025, to match salary incentives paid in the form of goods and/or services. This formula will allow the total reduction of the tax wedge and, therefore, the recognition of greater purchasing power for the people who work with us. While waiting for the hoped-for achievement of the objectives we have set ourselves and, therefore, preparatory to the payment of the incentives, we will work to create the conditions so that the purchase of goods and services can be directed towards local associations and production companies, ensuring that our Project can extend its benefits, beyond the company limits, also to the Territory in which we operate.